TODAY EURUSD UPDATE :EURUSD regains some ground lost and re-targets 0.9800.



EUR/USD regains some ground lost and re-targets 0.9800

  • EUR/USD bounces off lows near the 0.9750 region.
  • German 10-year bund yields surpass the 2.45% level.
  • Weekly Claims, Philly Fed index, Fedspeak come next in the NA session.

TODAY EURUSD UPDATE :The European currency regains a small smile and motivates EURUSD to rebound from earlier lows in the mid-0.9700s on Thursday.

EUR/USD supported near 0.9750 so far

EUR/USD manages to regain some buying interest and recoup part of the ground lost following Wednesday’s strong decline, retargeting the 0.9800 region amidst the so far tepid downside momentum in the dollar.

Also underpinning the daily uptick in spot, the German 10-year benchmark bund yields rise past the 2.45% level for the first time since August 2011, in line with the uptrend observed in their US pees across the curve.

EUR/USD’s weekly corrective move seems to have met some decent contention near 0.9750 for the time being amidst the ongoing knee-jerk in the dollar.

TODAY EURUSD UPDATE :In the meantime, price action around the European currency is expected to closely follow dollar dynamics, geopolitical concerns and the Fed-ECB divergence. Following latest results from key economic indicators, the latter is expected to extend further amidst the ongoing resilience of the US economy.                                                    Confuse Which Broker is best ? , Here you can find the best regulated broker


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